Office vs Working from Home

For quite some time, the ability to be able to ‘work from home’ was considered quite a perk. With the evolution of telecommunications & online meeting software, staff could work from almost anywhere in the world provided they had a phone signal and access to the internet.

In addition to that, the fact that employees no longer had the daily commute, with the stress and expense that it entailed, companies saw a decrease in staff turnover and an increase in employee job satisfaction.

However, working from home does not suit all people and indeed can be counter-productive.

When working from home boundaries can become blurred, with working hours beginning to bleed over in to non-working hours. There is often the sense that you can never ‘escape’ the work environment – do you really want to spend 24/7 in your virtual office?

And of course, there are other distractions at home, with children and pets being the most common interruptions, often at the most inconvenient of times. Imagine trying to concentrate on that crucial call with your most valued client just as the dog begins to bark at the postman! It can also been perceived by employee’s partners’ that too much time can be spent working and not enough ‘quality’ family time – many of us are guilty of working on the laptop in the evening when we should be spending time with families.

However, it is possible to strike a balance.

The ability to work from home when we require is most definitely still a perk, however, it is also extremely beneficial to have the option of an office, where we can dedicate our time to work. This can be particularly true for the self-employed, where spending time without distraction, speaking to potential new clients without interruption and growing a business is a vital necessity. Of course, this luxury comes with a cost and renting office space can become an expensive affair.

That’s where we feel Prospect Business Park can help both start-ups and established businesses so that you can enjoy the best of both worlds.

We have a range of office sizes, from those suitable for just one or two people, up to rooms and suites capable of housing call centres.

All our offices are supplied with easy-in-out terms and are equipped with access to our broadband and can be supplied furnished – ideal for just moving in and starting work. In some cases, people have moved in the same day as viewing! We also have plenty of parking on site (for over 200 cars) and the site is secure, with an on-site manager during the day and monitored, closed circuit cameras in conjunction with a security gate. Access for office tenants is 24/7.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like more information or to arrange a viewing.